Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Library Blog Resumes

It has been almost a year since the last post in the Library's Blog . The lack of activity has not been due to a lack of noteworthy news and events. It was a direct result of the reduction in Library hours and staffing that began last July.

It has been a challenging year. Even though we've been open fewer hours, the Library has welcomed as many visitors as the previous year. Almost as many books have been checked out. And more questions have been asked at our public service desks.

As noted repeatedly in national news, during an economic downturn, people turn to their local libraries. They come for information, a recommended book, DVDs, storytime.... They come to write a resume, to read the latest issue of their favorite magazine, to logon to the Internet. Sometimes they come to meet a friend, or to study in quiet surroundings. Othertimes they come because it's a safe place with a friendly helpful staff. They come because they can find what they want, and get what they need. Whether we open at 10 am or noon, people are lined up outside, every day, waiting to get into the Library. It's happening on the East Coast. It's happening in the Midwest. It's happening in Pacific Grove.

Business is booming at the Library. But for the third consecutive year, the Library is facing major budget cuts.

Iimportant decisions will be made during the next few weeks that affect every library patron. We thought you would like to know since it is YOUR Library. And so the Library Blog resumes......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm very happy to see the blog is back.

the library staff has done an amazing job keeping things going despite the cutbacks.