Monday, March 28, 2011


If you've been in the Library the past few days, you've noticed some changes... As the sign says, 'THINGS ARE MOVING..."
The audiobooks are now across from the Check-Out Desk,

next to the Large Print books.

And the books for teens are in the corner

where the audiobooks used to be.

More changes will be coming

in the new teen area

so stay tuned...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Love Letter

When a staff member went out to empty the book drop last week, we found this message chalked on the pavement:

To our anonymous admirer - Thank You. We love you too!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Special Storytime with Bob Kanegis

Join us
for a Special Storytelling Event
with Bob Kanegis
"Ambassador to the Realm of Possibilities"
and learn how to support Global (Heart) Warming!
Wednesday, March 23 @ 3:45 p.m.
“Over the top wonderful! Bob put on an absolutely charming and engaging show that connected incredibly well with our multi-age audience. From babies to grandparents, Bob had everyone enchanted with his delightful stories and music." - Mary Jennings (Sno-Isle Washington Regional Library)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Thank You, Ashlee!

It has been the Library's good fortune to have had Ashlee Wright as an employee for the past 4 years.

Ashlee Wright is one of the few individuals who has worked in three different job classifications during her tenure at the Library. In 2007, she began working as a shelver, and quickly gained recognition based on her creative ideas, diligent work habits, and infectious enthusiasm.

In 2008, as soon as the budget allowed, Ashlee was promoted to Library Assistant. In that capacity she used her wonderful organizational abilities to bring order to files left unattended due to drastic staff cuts. During this time, she also earned her Masters degree in Library Science via the University of Washington's Distance Learning program.

Following the completion of her graduate studies and the passage of Measure U, we were delighted to bring Ashlee on board as a Librarian. Unfortunately the funding for that position was discontinued after three months. However Ashlee graciously remained with us as a Library Assistant. She continued to distinguish herself with her technical skills and professional initiative. In July 2010, Ashlee was once again promoted to Librarian, and since then has been working at the Reference Desk every Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon. But that's only a small part of what Ashlee does.....

Ashlee applied for and received a grant to begin a Teen Area in the Library. Next week new shelving arrives and her vision will begin to take shape.... She has also organized and inventoried more than 500 documents and images related to the history of Pacific Grove. We are thrilled to have had this opportunity to deal with the backlog of local history materials. And we could not have made as much progress without Ashlee's dedication and skills.

Many of you have personally benefited from her determination to find the books or information you're seeking. All of you have indirectly benefited from her: artistic flair in creating displays; logistic plans for shifting the collection; and practical suggestions for improving services.

It is with great joy for Ashlee, (and some sadness at our loss), that we share her good news. She has accepted a job offer at the University of San Francisco's Law Library!

Congratulations Ashlee!

Thank you for everything you've done on behalf of the Pacific Grove Public Library and its patrons. You will be missed.
Ashlee will be with us through April 1st, (no joke), for those of you who would like to stop by and wish her well.

Dorraine Zief Law Library - University of San Francisco

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Website - In the Spotlight

This week we learned about an interesting website: Authorial London. It's the creation of Stanford professor, Martin Evans. During his trips to London, Evans has seached throughout the city for houses, apartments, pubs and other buildings associated with literary authors.

Evans selected fifty North American and British authors who spent a significant part of their lives in London. The list ranges from from Geoffrey Chaucer to Mark Twain. One of the unexpected benefits of his project is that it shows when authors' paths crossed. For example Slyvia Plat once lived in the same house on Primrose Hill in which W. B. Yeate lived many years earlier.

The website is designed for readers of English literature who may not have an opportunity to visit London and explore it's numerous literary sites in person. However even frequent visitors to London will enjoy it.

Read more about the website, and then take a look for yourself: Authorial London.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Spring Forward!

Just a friendly reminder: it's time to set your clocks ahead.

Daylight Savings time begins Sunday, March 13, 2011 at 2 a.m.

Enjoy the longer evenings!

(Daylight savings continues until Sunday, November 6, 2011 at 2 a.m.)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hitchcock's Grandmother in P.G.?

This week, a Pagrovian came in with a "stump-the-librarian" question. When she went to school in P.G., a few decades ago, she heard that Alfred Hitchcock's grandmother lived in Pacific Grove. She's wondering if it's true.

We have yet to reach a definitive answer, but this is what we have found so far.

  • Alfred Hitchcock's grandmothers were: Anne Hitchcock & Emma Whelan.

  • Neither of those names appear in the Library's Local History File.

  • Neither of those names appeared in a spot check of Polk City Directories for this area.

  • Biographies of Hitchcock indicate that he asked and encouraged his mother to move to California. However she never did. No mention was made of his grandmothers.

  • Biographies also indicate that Hitchcock owned some property at the end of Canham Road near Scotts Valley at one time, (in addition to his home in Los Angeles). Apparently he sold the property and made L.A. his main home.

If you have any leads or information about Hitchcock's grandmother living in P.G., please let us know.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Poetry Workshop

Can you solve problems through Poetry?

According to Pacific Grove's
You Can.

"Pack up your sorrows and gather your joys into poetry solutions -- when creativity is all we've got, it does the job and more."

Problem Solving Through Poetry
Saturday, March 19
9 am - noon
$15 fee

Dr. Barbara Mossberg, a prizewinning poet, author, teacher and scholar has made poetry a central part of her life since childhood. She refers to poetry as the "news we need vitally, a form of expression which can rock our worlds and save the earth and save the day."

This class is limited to 15 students. To register, please call Lisa Maddalena at 648-5760, or email her at

Friday, March 4, 2011

1st Saturday Booksale March 5th

You missed it in February,
(because are amazing volunteers
were on a well-deserved vacation),
But the 1st Saturday Booksale is Back!
Saturday, March 5th
noon - 3 p.m.

Come, Look & Buy, Buy, Buy!

Help us break January's record of $687.00

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Green Eggs & Ham!

Today, in Pacific Grove and across America, librarians, teachers & children celebrated what would be the 107th birthday of Dr. Seuss, author of beloved classics like:
Cat in the Hat
Horton Hears a Who
How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Oh, the Places You'll Go!
Green Eggs & Ham

At the Library, Lisa Maddalena and Linda Pagnella read stories by Dr. Seuss, and then served up colorful plates of green eggs & ham!
Just another example of how the PG Library rocks with fun and flavorful programs for children!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mark Your March Calendars

It's March!
The Library has some great
programs and events this month,
so mark your calendars and save these dates!

Daffy Dave
Juggling & Magic
Saturday, March 5, 3 p.m.

1st Saturday Book Sale
Saturday, March 5, noon - 3 p.m.

Poetry Workshop with Dr. Barbara Mossberg
Saturday, March 19, time t.b.a.

Bob Kanegis
Tales & Trails Storytelling
Saturday, March 23, 3:45 p.m.