There were many memorable moments during the Library's 100th Birthday Party. But the most memorable moment was when the children of our community presented Lisa Maddalena with a special birthday gift - a gift they earned through reading. (See blog entry for April 19, 2008.)
As Linda Bailey, chair of
PG Reads for the Library, shared: "So far, the amount the kids raised through their efforts has been a closely guarded secret... But that secret is about to be revealed."
Holding a small, beautifully wrapped box, she continued, "This box. It’s tiny, isn’t it? Yet it holds something truly magnificent. Inside this box is a gift of love to the Library and its wonderful staff."
Addressing the children, she continued."The check that is inside this box represents your dedication and commitment, and some 50,000 minutes of reading that you did over a two week period. It is proof that you truly can make a difference, one book and one minute, at a time. Through this gift, you give back some of the joy the library has given you, and help ensure that same experience for children yet to come."
Then the children carefuly passed the box from one to another, finally presenting it to Senior Librarian, Lisa Maddalena. The crowd was silent as Lisa opened the box, unfolded the check, and announced the amount: $18, 057.99! There was a moment of silent awe, and then wild applause.
Ms. Bailey summed it up best when she addressed the children, " You are our greatest potential resource, our most compelling inspiration, and our profound hope for the future."
Everyone at the Library agrees. We thank you, every one of you, for your amazing gift to the Pacific Grove Public Library. You truly are making a difference, and an inspiration to us all.