Friday, June 27, 2008

Library Hours Reduced, Again...

Due to budget cuts, the Library's hours will be reduced beginning July 1st.

In March, Library hours were reduced from 52 to 40 hours a week, due to staff attrition and a hiring freeze. In July the hours will be further cut back to 31 hours a week.

The new schedule, effective Tuesday, July 1st is:
Sunday closed
Monday closed
Tuesday noon - 7 pm
Wednesday 10 am - 5 pm
Thursday 10 am - 5 pm
Friday noon - 5 pm
Saturday noon - 5 pm

Originally, the City's 2008-2009 Budget indicated that Library hours would be cut to 20-25 hours a week. It is only due to the generous Clausen bequest that the hours have been extended to 31 hours a week.

It is not yet known if the successful passage of Measure U will result in additional Library hours.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Catch the Reading Bug!

It's summer time! And the Library's Summer Reading Club is in full swing! More than 250 children have already picked up their Book Logs, and begun reading for prizes.

In addition to all the wonderful books to read, there are fabulous programs most Wednesday afternoons. Next Wednesday, June 25th, is the popular Zoo to You! Live Animal Program. And on Wednesday, July 2nd, is our favorite magician, Magic Dan!

Catch the Reading Bug! and enjoy a summer of stories, programs, and prizes.

For more information, call 648-5760. Or come in and speak with Children's Librarian, Lisa Maddalena.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Good News #3 - Measure U Passes

Since the election, and the success of Measure U, Library patrons have been asking:
  • "Will the Library be open more hours?"
  • "Does this mean the Library will get money to buy books?"
  • "What will the Library get from Meaure U?"
We don't have the answers to these questions, yet. But we encourage you to keep asking them! The word from City Hall is that public forums will be set up to give you (city residents) the opportunity to share how you want Measure U revenues spent.

While these forums are being organized, we encourage you to let City Council members and City Administrators know: "I hope Measure U means more money for the Library!"

Good News #2 - $100,000 Clausen Bequest

The Library has received a $100,000 bequest from the estate of Jeanie Clausen. Mrs. Clausen was one of the Library's "regulars." She came in so often, Library staff recognized her by face, if not by name. She was an avid reader, who enjoyed books on a variety of topics. And her bequest will enable others to benefit from and enjoy the Library as much as she did.

With her family's enthusiastic approval, the Clausen bequest has been allocated towards staff salaries. Two full-time positions slated to be cut on July 1st, will now be retained, due to the generosity of Jeanie Clausen.

The direct result of this unanticipated gift is: Library hours will not be cut as severely as originally planned. Instead of a 50% reduction to 20 hours/week, we are anticipating a 25% reduction to 30 hours a week.

Library Staff and Friends send heart-felt condolances to the Clausen family. And our appreciation for the generous gift bestowed upon the Library.

Good News #1 - PG Reads Raises $20,000

All the pledges for PG Reads for the Library have been collected and tallied. And the grand total is.... (drum rrrroll).... $20,000!

The money has been raised by the children and will be spent on the children. Senior Librarian, Lisa Maddalena, is looking forward to buying stacks and stacks of new books, audio books and DVDs for the children. And she's excited about planning some special programs as well.

To everyone who participated in this enormously successful fundraising campaign,

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Why I Love My Library Contest Winners

Our "Why I Love My Library" Contest inspired wonderful poems, drawings, essays, and one-liners. In fact there were so many funny, inspiring, or heartwarming entries that our judges, Laura Headley and Hadassah Contreras, had a difficult time making their choices. But the 1st place winners are:

Preschool: Kayleigh McCullough (picture)
Grades K-2: Ji-Eun Song (picture)
Grades 3-5: Mackenzie Miller (poem)
Middle School: Jaeyeon Park (picture)
High School: Rachel Bohrman (essay)
Adults: Melinda Wates (poem)
Senior Citizen: Mary Beach (collage)

Thank you to every one who entered the contest, and to the fabulous local merchants who dontated prizes: I'm Puzzled, Tessuti Zoo, and The Works.
Winning entries are currently on display at the Library. Come by and see how talented our patrons are.... Meanwhile we'll leave you with the opening stanza of Mackenzie Miller's poem:
"The Five Senses of my Library and one Extra"
I love my library
because of its smell,
it smells like
and new adventures
waiting to happen.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

An Amazing Birthday Gift from "PG Reads"

There were many memorable moments during the Library's 100th Birthday Party. But the most memorable moment was when the children of our community presented Lisa Maddalena with a special birthday gift - a gift they earned through reading. (See blog entry for April 19, 2008.)

As Linda Bailey, chair of PG Reads for the Library, shared: "So far, the amount the kids raised through their efforts has been a closely guarded secret... But that secret is about to be revealed."

Holding a small, beautifully wrapped box, she continued, "This box. It’s tiny, isn’t it? Yet it holds something truly magnificent. Inside this box is a gift of love to the Library and its wonderful staff."

Addressing the children, she continued."The check that is inside this box represents your dedication and commitment, and some 50,000 minutes of reading that you did over a two week period. It is proof that you truly can make a difference, one book and one minute, at a time. Through this gift, you give back some of the joy the library has given you, and help ensure that same experience for children yet to come."

Then the children carefuly passed the box from one to another, finally presenting it to Senior Librarian, Lisa Maddalena. The crowd was silent as Lisa opened the box, unfolded the check, and announced the amount: $18, 057.99! There was a moment of silent awe, and then wild applause.

Ms. Bailey summed it up best when she addressed the children, " You are our greatest potential resource, our most compelling inspiration, and our profound hope for the future."

Everyone at the Library agrees. We thank you, every one of you, for your amazing gift to the Pacific Grove Public Library. You truly are making a difference, and an inspiration to us all.

Friday, May 9, 2008

The Library is 100 Years Old!

100 years ago, on Tuesday May 12, 1908, the Library at 550 Central Avenue was opened to the public. It was an evening filled with civic pride and celebration. As stated on the front page of the next day’s Daily Review, “There was very large attendance, the library being filled almost to suffocation” to celebrate the new library, “the best advertisement Pacific Grove has ever had.”

100 years later, the Library is celebrating again. On Saturday, May 10th, the Library is having a centennial celebration - with music, magic and cake! At 1 pm the party begins with all American banjo music. Master magician, The Great Blindini performs at 2 pm. After that, winners will be announced, and prizes awarded for the Why I Love My Library Contest. And then we’ll all sing “Happy Birthday” and eat cake!

Spontaneous acts of music, recitation, magic and merriment will occur throughout the afternoon. So Come One! Come All! It’s the Pacific Grove Public Library Centennial Celebration. Saturday, May 10th 1-5 pm.

Lisa Maddalena - Our New Senior Librarian

After 24 years of service as the Library's Children's Librarian, Lisa Maddalena has been promoted to Senior Librarian.

Patrons and staff welcomed the news with hearty hurrahs and congratulations. Lisa has a wealth of experience working with the community and staff. So her promotion offers the Library continuity during a time of tremendous change.

Since she began her new job, the Library has hosted the incredibly successful Read-a-thon, (organized by PG Reads for the Library). And now she and the staff are in the final stages of planning the Library's 100th Birthday party. Lisa is 100% enthusiastic about these kinds of events, and hopes to host many more during her tenure as Senior Librarian.

If you don't already know Lisa, please stop by and introduce yourself. Lisa wants to meet (and serve) you all!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

PG Read-a-thon Going Strong!

It's after 5 pm on Saturday. The doors are locked, most of the staff has gone home, but the Library is still full of young readers. They are participating in PG Reads for the Library, a read-a-thon benefiting the Children's Department of the Pacific Grove Public Library.

So far 80 children have signed in, nestled in chairs, opened their books, and read 60 minutes or more for the Library! And every minute matters, because each minute read earns a dollar for children's books and programs.

The night is still young. The read-a-thon continues until midnight tonight. But already, the sight of so many youngsters reading on behalf of their local library has elicited smiles, praise and pride. It's wonderful!

Thank you to all the children who are reading for the Library! You are truly making a difference!

Monday, April 14, 2008

The Future of Pacific Grove Public Library

Pacific Grove city leaders are in talks with Monterey Public Library about running Pacific Grove Public Library next fiscal year (2008/09.) As many of you know, the library budget was cut 50% to $480,000 for the new year. The city also has decided not to fund any library materials with general fund money.

Who will be running Pacific Grove Public Library come July 1? It is not certain at this point. The city could decide to continue running the library, or they could outsource it. In the meantime, library staff are waiting, and some are finding other jobs.

This will be my last blog since my last day is April 18. I have taken a job with Monterey County Free Libraries. It has been a pleasure working for such a fine library, albeit for only nine months. No matter the governance, the Library will no doubt persevere these troubled times and provide another hundred years of culture and information to city residents.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

What books would our library users save?

During the Big Read event, Pacific Grove Public Library asked readers what book they would save above all others. It was a difficult decision but here are a few of the books our readers took time to vote for:
Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
Waldon Two by B.F. Skinner
Tao te Ching by Lao Tze
Sidhartha by Herman Hesse
Angle of Repose by Wallace Stegner
The Bible
Oxford English Dictionary
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
Various works of William Shakespeare
Bleak House by Charles Dickens
Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
Faust by Johann Goethe
The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran
Mary Poppins by P.L. Travers

Friday, April 4, 2008

Enter our "Why I Love My Library" contest

During the month of April, all library users are invited to enter the "Why I Love My Library" contest. During the month of April, you can pick up the contest rules and entry blank at the Library or print it out from our website . Write or draw a picture on the entry form and submit your entry to the Library by April 30, 2008. Entries will be judged by a panel of judges and prizes will be awarded at the Library Centennial Birthday Party on Saturday, May 10, 2008, at the Library.

Literacy, Its Impact on Health & Poverty 4/22/08

Pacific Grove Public Library is proud to collaborate with the Monterey Bay Chapter of the United Nations Association of the USA in presenting a program Literacy, Its Impact on Health and Poverty: Around the World and Right Here in Monterey County. The program will be held twice and features speakers Helene-Marie Gosselin, Director of the North American Office of UNESCO and Dr. Diane Cordero de Noriega, Former Provost and Former Interim President of CSUMB:
Monterey Tuesday, April 22 at 7 PM, Irvine Auditorium of MIIS
Salinas Wednesday, April 23 at 7 PM National Steinbeck Center

For further information visit or call 831 643-0707

Monday, March 17, 2008

Library Board Elects New Officers

The Pacific Grove Public Library Board elected new officers at their last meeting on March 11. Susan Steele is the new Chairperson, Laura Courtney Headley is the Vice Chair, and Nancy Hauk is the Secretary. The Library Board also includes Sarah Paff and Neal Whitman. The group has begun the process of updating the Library's Strategic Plan. Their next meeting is April 8, 7 PM at the Pacific Grove Community Center on Junipero.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Readathon for National Library Week

National Library Week is just around the corner April 13-19, 2008. Kids of all ages are invited to our Readathon on Saturday, April 19, from 12 noon to 12 midnight. Get pledges from everyone you know and earn money for children's library books. Bring your sleeping bag and camp out after hours with a good book. For more information, call the children's librarian, Lisa Maddalena, at 648-5760.

Friday, March 7, 2008

What are others saying about the Library's plight?

Want to know what people in the community are thinking about the Library's budget cuts? See local resident Steve Hauk's writings at The website is a treasure trove of writings from the "world's greatest writers." By the way, many of them live right here on the Monterey Peninsula.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Searching beyond Google

What search engine is your favorite? Google, Yahoo, Clusty? Take a look at to find other search engines! Let us know your favorite.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Library Budget Cut 50%

The library's budget was cut 50% at the city council meeting held 2/20. The cut will be implemented with the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2008. The Library general fund budget will shrink from $961,000 to $480,000. Since the majority of this money funds personnel, there will be layoffs and downsizing of the library's services and programs. To prepare for this cut and manage with a vacant librarian position, the library is reducing open hours from 52 to 40 hours/week effective March 3, 2008. The new schedule will be:
Monday 1-5
Tuesday 10-7
Wednesday 10-5
Thursday 10-7
Friday 10-5
Saturday 1-5

Monday, February 18, 2008

Study shows Library returns $3.34 in value for every $1 spent

A study at San Francisco Public Library shows that, for every $1 spent on the Library, $3.34 in value is returned. How does this happen? The Library contributes to the health and vitality of the city through education, early literacy, economic and workforce development, strengthening the community, enhancing the image and identity of the city, personal learning and recreation. The same can, most likely, be said about the Pacific Grove Public Library. See the study at

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Susan Hildreth talks to 40 Pagrovian Library Supporters

California State Librarian Susan Hildreth spoke to a Sunday night group of about 40 at Pacific Grove Public Library on 1/27/08. Hildreth mentioned options that are open to libraries with large budget cuts including looking for money through tax measures, contracting out services to the county, another city, or a private company. The talk was informative and stimulated lots of discussion about the quality and quantity of library services the citizens of Pacific Grove can expect with a 50% budget cut.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

New Book List Goes Online

Searching for new materials? You can now search for "New Materials" online. Find new fiction, non-fiction, DVDs, Books on CD, music CDs and more by searching our catalog and clicking on the "New Materials" tab. It takes a moment to download and then, you will get a list of new items at both Pacific Grove and Monterey Public Libraries. You can sort it by adult, teen, and children. Try it and let us know what you think!