Friday, June 13, 2008

Good News #2 - $100,000 Clausen Bequest

The Library has received a $100,000 bequest from the estate of Jeanie Clausen. Mrs. Clausen was one of the Library's "regulars." She came in so often, Library staff recognized her by face, if not by name. She was an avid reader, who enjoyed books on a variety of topics. And her bequest will enable others to benefit from and enjoy the Library as much as she did.

With her family's enthusiastic approval, the Clausen bequest has been allocated towards staff salaries. Two full-time positions slated to be cut on July 1st, will now be retained, due to the generosity of Jeanie Clausen.

The direct result of this unanticipated gift is: Library hours will not be cut as severely as originally planned. Instead of a 50% reduction to 20 hours/week, we are anticipating a 25% reduction to 30 hours a week.

Library Staff and Friends send heart-felt condolances to the Clausen family. And our appreciation for the generous gift bestowed upon the Library.

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