Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Lucy is Retiring!

After 23 years of devoted service to PGPL and its patrons,
Lucy is retiring.
We will miss her
smiling presence at the check-out desk,
fastidious management of the periodicals collection,
hospitable nature,
remarkable recall of library history....

Come wish her a fond farewell.
Friday, June 19th
2 - 4 pm
in the Periodicals area

Cake & Punch will be Served.

If you cannot drop by on Friday, Lucy will be working at the Library until June 30, 2009.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Lucy! You will be sorely missed but you deserve every minute of your retirement. Bon voyage on your next passage in life!

Anonymous said...

MY BABY Sister!! Not fair, you are retiring before your much older sister! Not really, I'm so overjoyed that you have followed your dreams. Congrats are in order! I know you will enjoy retirement. You deserve this so much. So enjoy, be that free spirit!
Love you and hope to see you soon.
Your sis, Tina

Unknown said...

Dear Lucy,
You look so happy, and no one deserves this more than you right now. I know you will enjoy every minute of the years to come!

Anonymous said...

Linda and I(brother Ray)are so very happy for you that now you are going to have another positve change in your life,a new door is opening for you and you are the pilot in control.
Congratulations on your retirement and new beginning! Love you Ray and Linda.