Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Local Election Results

Although Measure Q received a clear majority of votes in yesterday's election, it did not get the two-thirds majority required by California law to pass. The official results, as posted on the Monterey County Elections Department website, are:
Measure Q Vote Count
YES -- 2,827 votes -- 61.15%
NO -- 1,796 votes -- 38.85%

What does that mean for the future of the Library? Library operations are budgeted through June 30, 2011. After that, it will depend on how the City Council allocates next fiscal year's budget.

5 incumbents were re-elected to the City Council.
Carmelita Garcia was re-elected as Mayor, with 3,503 votes (100%).

Daniel Miller and Robert Huitt were re-elected to 2 Year (Short Term) City Council seats, with 2,768 votes (50.24%) and 2,742 votes (49.76%)respectively.

And Alan Cohen, Ken Cuneo and Rudy Fischer were elected to 4 year (Full Term) Council seats, with 2,546 votes (27.56%), 2,557 votes (27.68%), and 2,209 votes (23.91%) respectively.

Councilman Bill Kampe has 2 years remaining in his term.


Anonymous said...

Very sad news for the best little library I've ever had the honor to work for and with. - polly -

Anonymous said...

The people in Pacific Grove have plenty of money but they do not want to support their police, firemen, libraries,etc. Well good but most of us from other cities that have chosen to do so really don't want to hear about Pacific Grove and their mean, selfish ways.

Pamela, Librarian said...

61% of Pacific Grove voters do want to support the Library. Library staff has been receiving supportive comments all day, and this afternoon a few people have made contributions to the Fund Our Library campaign.

We will continue to share all important Library News & Events. Based on our experience, we know most of it will be positive.

We're grateful for all the support we've received from voters, patrons, our City Administrator, and past and present City Council members.

Anonymous said...

A great city is a result of great public schools, safety, strong business and their libraries- where families, older adults, and ALL of its residents can use this valuable resource.

Shame on you voters!