Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Tribute to Emily Dickinson

It's Emily Dickinson's Birthday! And we're having a celebration of her life and poetry.

Dr. Barbara Mossberg returns, in costume, to share the joy and wonder, sorrow and grief, wild definance and humble grace of one of America's favorite poets.

Please join the celebration
Thursday, December 9th
7 p.m.

There is no frigate like a book
To take us lands away,
Nor any coursers like a page
Of prancing poetry.

This traverse may the poorest take
Without oppress of toll;
How frugal is the chariot
That bears a human soul!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wanted: Chautauqua Annual Assembly Programs

As most Pagrovians know, the summer Chautauqua assemblies were a vital part of PG's history.

In response to a reference question, we've discovered that the Library has only one original program from these historic events: for the year 1914.

A quick search shows that the Heritage Society has five other programs (1879, 1895, 1898, 1912, 1923). Monterey Public Library has an 1890 program. And the Hopkins Marine Station has the 1892 program.

But that leaves many unaccounted for. If by chance you happen upon a pamphlet for The Pacific Coast Assembly or Summer School of Science or Chautauqua Assembly, please consider making a gift of it to the Library.

We promise to take good care of it, housing it in an archival sleeve, and keeping it in our Local History file cabinets that have recently had locks added, to safeguard items of local interest for future Pagrovians.

Meanwhile, our reference staff will make copies of any programs we can find. And eventually we would like to make digital copies available on the Library's website.

"Chautauqua - an assembly for education and entertainment of adults by lectures, concerts and other cultural activities."

Friday, November 12, 2010

New Color Copy Machine!

There's a new
at the Library!

In response to your requests,
(and because the old machine was worn out),
we have a new photocopy machine.
Black & white copies - 15 cents/page
Color copies - 25 cents/page

It's the latest and the greatest.
Come try it out!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Exhibit on Monarch Alert

Have you ever found a tiny tag on a Monarch Butterfly? If so, you've witnessed the Monarch Alert Program in action.

As every Pagrovian knows, Monarch Butterflies overwinter in California, and PG is one of their favorite destinations. The population of western monarchs fluctuate from year to year, but it can exceed 100,000!

Monarch Alert is dedicated to tracking the population fluctuations in Monterey and San Luis Obispo counties. Their volunteers place tags on the underside of monarch wings.
These tags allow researchers to individually identify butterflies that are later re-sighted. Re-sighting information provides data on movement between overwintering sites, persistence at individual sites, population estimates per site, and migration patterns in spring.

If you locate a tagged monarch, please report the details about your sighting to Monarch Alert. Call toll free at 1-877-897-7740. For more information about this fascinating program:

Friday, November 5, 2010

1st Saturday Book Sale!

November's Book Sale promises to be one of the biggest and best yet!

The Library has been receiving boxes and boxes of donations, so selection in all subject areas promises to be superb.

A few special sets will be featured:

The Works of Mark Twain (25 volumes, 100 years old, excellent condition);

The Library of the Presidents (82 leather bound volumes with gold-leaf edging, prisitine condition, originally priced at over $6,500);

The Miniature Shakespeare Library(12 volumes, pristine condition).

Don't Miss It!
Saturday, November 6th
noon - 3 p.m.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Local Election Results

Although Measure Q received a clear majority of votes in yesterday's election, it did not get the two-thirds majority required by California law to pass. The official results, as posted on the Monterey County Elections Department website, are:
Measure Q Vote Count
YES -- 2,827 votes -- 61.15%
NO -- 1,796 votes -- 38.85%

What does that mean for the future of the Library? Library operations are budgeted through June 30, 2011. After that, it will depend on how the City Council allocates next fiscal year's budget.

5 incumbents were re-elected to the City Council.
Carmelita Garcia was re-elected as Mayor, with 3,503 votes (100%).

Daniel Miller and Robert Huitt were re-elected to 2 Year (Short Term) City Council seats, with 2,768 votes (50.24%) and 2,742 votes (49.76%)respectively.

And Alan Cohen, Ken Cuneo and Rudy Fischer were elected to 4 year (Full Term) Council seats, with 2,546 votes (27.56%), 2,557 votes (27.68%), and 2,209 votes (23.91%) respectively.

Councilman Bill Kampe has 2 years remaining in his term.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Election Day

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Read about the candidates & issues,
and find your polling place,
at the League of Women Voters'

Voter pamphlets & polling place information
are also available at the Library.

Follow election results online