What's happening with the Library now that Measure J didn't pass?
Will the Library remain open?
Will baby story times begin again?
Can you get more public access computers?
I wish you were open in the evening.
More New Books!
Will you be getting Playaways or Kindles?
Almost every day we get questions and comments like these.
A status quo budget is being recommended by City administrators for next year, (FY 2010-2011). However our Library is at risk.
To begin answering these questions and plan the Library's future, we are hosting a Library Summit. The City Manager, City Council Members, representatives from the Library Advisory Board and the Friends of the Library will all be there. And you're invited too!
Please join us to discuss:
How can we make the Pacific Grove Public Library the ideal library to serve the citizens of Pacific Grove, and how can we obtain sustainable funding for its future?
The meeting will be at the Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History
Saturday, February 6th
9 am until 1 pm
Please join us!
In 2006,PG sold Pension Bonds at a cost of 1.6 million dollar per yr. In 2007,it gave the police a million dollar per yr. raise. To pay for this,the library and rec. dept were cut. PG is buried in pension and police debt;therefore,I favor a larger Measure J,say $175.00 per yr.per parcel.Give our children a decent library.John Moore
Dear John,
At today's Library Summit, one of the most well-attended meetings was on the issue of placing another Library Measure on the ballot. There will be a lot of discussion about this in the weeks to come. I'll send your suggestion to the host of that meeting, so it can be incorporated into the notes. Thank you for your support of the Library.
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