Friday, August 7, 2009

Library Parcel Tax Approved for November Ballot

On Wednesday, August 5th, the City Council unanimously approved placing a Special Parcel Tax on the November 3rd ballot "for the sole purpose of maintaining and improving services at the Pacific Grove Public Library."

As outlined in the Resolution, the measure would levy a special tax at the rate of $96.00 per year for single-family parcels, and $75.00 per year for multi-family parcels. (Note: multi-family parcels does not include residential parcels with a second unit, such as a "granny unit.") All other property, including commerical, industrial and public utility property would pay the same rate as single-family residences.

The Council voted to add a 10 year "sunset clause" to the resolution, stipulating that the tax end June 30, 2021.

If the measure receives the required two-thirds majority to pass, it is expected to generate $630,000 a year for the Library. That amount would enable the Library to restore staff and services, and open the Library five days-a-week instead of the current schedule where it is only open four days-a-week.

The Council Chamber was filled with Library supporters, who spoke up in favor of the Measure. No one spoke up against the Measure.

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