Monday, August 31, 2009

Who is Byron Katie?

Byron Katie is an internationally renowned speaker and the bestselling author of: Loving What Is; I Need Your Love—Is That True?; A Thousand Names for Joy, and Who Would You Be Without Your Story.

She is also the next author in the Library's,
In her books and lectures, "Katie" teaches a simple yet powerful process of self-inquiry called, "The Work." As she guides people through it, they find that their stressful beliefs—about life, other people, or themselves— radically shift. In a matter of moments, confusion is replaced with clarity, tears turn to laughter, sorrow is replaced with joy.
“Who Would You Be Without Your Story?”

Come find out.
Thursday, September 10, 2009 at 7 pm
Robert Down Elementary School Auditorium
485 Pine Avenue, Pacific Grove, CA

Tickets: $25 per person
All proceeds benefit the Pacific Grove Public Library.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Last month we received a suggestion to please consider fundraisers as a means to sustain the Library.

We're happy to report that fundraising events, large and small, are always going on at the Library. Some events are sponsored by our Friends of the Library. But many are initiated and carried out by loyal library patrons, like you. So if you have a great idea, and are ready to roll up your sleeves and organize it, let us know.

Every cent and event makes a difference. Fundraising helps the Library: purchase new books, CDs, DVDs; update computers; purchase new techonology;and fund programs for children and adults.

Examples of 2009 fundraising activities include:
  • The Meet the Author series, featuring authors from the Monterey Peninsula and afar. Sponsored by The Friends of the Library.
  • The 1st Saturday Booksales. Organized and maintained by a trio of dedicated patrons.
  • The Writers' Reading event. C0-hosted by the Central Coast Writers, and organized by Cameron Douglas.
  • The Read-a-thon. Over $10,000 raised by local school children! Organized by Linda and Mei Bailey.
  • A birthday party, where all the "gifts" were donations to the Friends of the Library. Organized by friends of Judy Archibald.
  • Cypress Cleaners will donate 2-5% of your dry cleaning bill to the Library. (This offer is available through 12/31/2009.)

Our next fundraiser will be Thursday September 10th... Stay tuned for more information in the next blog post. (Or if you can't wait, check out the Events page on our web site.)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Early Photographs & Cases Exhibit

This month our exhibit cases feature historical photographs known as dageurreotypes, ambrotypes and tintypes.

The daguerreotype was the first successful, commercial, photographic process. Invented in 1839 by the French chemist, Louis J.M. Daguerre, the glittering mirror-like images elicited amazement, and caused a world-wide sensation. As reported in the American Journal "The Knickerbocker":

We have seen the views taken in Paris by the 'Daguerreotype,' and have no hesitation in avowing, that they are the most remarkable objects of curiosity and admiration, in the arts, that we ever beheld. Their exquisite perfection almost transcends the bounds of sober belief.
The quality of the photographs was stunning, in part due to the remarkable degree of detail. Carl Dauthendey, a 19th century professional photographer observed:

"People were afraid at first to look for any length of time at the pictures he produced. They were embarrassed by the clarity of these figures and believed that the little, tiny faces of the people in the pictures could see out at them, so amazing did the unaccustomed detail and the unaccustomed truth to nature of the first daguerreotypes appear to everyone."

Daguerreotypes and ambrotypes – and to a lesser extent tintypes – are fragile and highly susceptible to breakage, oxidation, and scratching. Very quickly, cases were designed to protect them. The earliest were made of pressed paper and leather; they featured a variety of geometric, floral, and patriotic motifs. Hundreds of different designs became available, with themes derived from nature, literature, history, and art.

The fragile photographs on display come from the collection of Esther Trosow.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

An Evening of Prose & Poetry

The Central Coast Writers and
Friends of the Pacific Grove Library

Writers' Readings

Thursday, August 13th at 7 pm

"Not since the days of the Thunderbird Bookstore has such a wide variety of local wordsmiths come together to share their work with an audience." Pacific Grove authors and poets reading include: Cameron Douglas, Walter Gourlay, Ed Jarvis, Bill Minor, Neal Whitman, and Kerry Wood. Other authors from the Monterey County will also share their work.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Library Parcel Tax Approved for November Ballot

On Wednesday, August 5th, the City Council unanimously approved placing a Special Parcel Tax on the November 3rd ballot "for the sole purpose of maintaining and improving services at the Pacific Grove Public Library."

As outlined in the Resolution, the measure would levy a special tax at the rate of $96.00 per year for single-family parcels, and $75.00 per year for multi-family parcels. (Note: multi-family parcels does not include residential parcels with a second unit, such as a "granny unit.") All other property, including commerical, industrial and public utility property would pay the same rate as single-family residences.

The Council voted to add a 10 year "sunset clause" to the resolution, stipulating that the tax end June 30, 2021.

If the measure receives the required two-thirds majority to pass, it is expected to generate $630,000 a year for the Library. That amount would enable the Library to restore staff and services, and open the Library five days-a-week instead of the current schedule where it is only open four days-a-week.

The Council Chamber was filled with Library supporters, who spoke up in favor of the Measure. No one spoke up against the Measure.