Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Friends of the Library Annual Meeting

On Saturday, the Friends of the Library held their Annual Meeting, and it was a wonderful event!

Judy Archibald, the President of the Friends, offered a warm welcome. Dick Grimmer gave an encouraging Treasurer's Report. Six terrific new Board members were nominated and elected to join the existing splendid Board Members. And that was just in the first fifteen minutes!

Next, Judy announced the Friend's receipt of a bequest by Pagrovian, Erna Morris. A $100,000 check was presented to the Friends, with a promise that another $250,000 would be forthcoming in February.

In keeping with Erna's wishes and to help ensure the future of the Pacific Grove Public Library, the Friends' Board announced their decision to establish a PG Library Foundation for long-term fundraising!

Speaking on behalf of the City, Mayor Garcia expressed her appreciation for the Friends and the new Foundation. And she shared that the City supports the Library 100%. And this was only the half-way point of the meeting!

Next Senior Librarian, Lisa Maddalena, gave a brief presentation, Refresh! A Plan for Renewal for the Pacific Grove Public Library. With images and examples from other libraries, she highlighted some of the staff's ideas for revitalizing the Library.

Then for the next 45 minutes, attendees gathered around tables and brainstormed about their dreams and ideas for the Library. The room was bursting with ideas!

It truly was wonderful. And yet another testament to the fact that Pagrovians love their Library. (And have some really good ideas for its future. Some of which will be shared in the next blog post!)


Anonymous said...

the best news of all - a Foundation at long last! - polly -

Anonymous said...

What inspirational news! Congratulations!