Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Budget News....

It's that time of year at City Hall - "Budget Season." On Wednesday, March 25th, the City Council will review the Recommended Budget for FY 2010/11 in a Special Meeting designated specifically for that purpose.

The 138 page document is available for review at the Library, and

How does the Library fare? Better... and worse... than hoped for last year at this time.

Because Measure J narrowly lost the election, (approximately 30 votes shy of the needed 67%), the Library will not receive an influx of new funds.

However, due to solid citizen support, new leadership at City Hall and a concerned City Council, it is recommended that the Library continue to receive funding from the General Fund. In fact there is a slight increase in General Fund monies, (that essentially replaces a generous gift towards operating funds received from the Friends of the Library last fiscal year).

If the Recommended Budget is passed, the Library will remain open the same number of hours and days: Tuesdays and Thursdays 11 am - 6 pm. Fridays and Saturdays noon - 5 pm.

The meeting commences Wednesday at 6 pm. All interested persons are encouraged to attend.

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