Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Library Closed Cesar Chavez Day

Just a reminder:

City offices, including the Library, will be closed on Wednesday, March 31st in observance of Cesar Chavez Day.

Cesar Chavez was born on March 31, 1927. From the age of 10, he lived in tents and migrant labor camps with his parents and siblings as they followed the harvest from crop to crop in fields, orchards and vineyards across Arizona and California. In 1952 he joined the Community Service Organization to help poor communities throughout the U.S. organize themselves into effective negotiating blocs, and helped lead a successful voter registration drive of Mexican-Americans. He is best remembered for: founding the association that became the United Farm Workers; and a prolonged strike against vineyard owners in California, including a successful two-year grape boycott.

Chavez distinguished himself by his nonviolent tactics and his ability to draw support and build alliances with many different groups, e.g., civil rights groups, Roman Catholic clergy, liberal intelligentsia and celebrities.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Save the Dates

The Library is Planning Two Events this Spring:

April 15th
"1st Annual Pacific Grove Student Talent Showcase"
6:30 pm

May 15th
The Library's Birthday Party
noon - 3 pm

Stay tuned for more information, but meanwhile Save the Dates!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Library Summit Report

On February 6, 2010, more than 100 people attended the Library Summit. It was a beehive of activity, with numerous meetings happening concurrently.

Thanks to the participants who hosted meetings and our wonderful volunteer Lois Bennett, notes from the various sessions have been compiled in the Report from the Pacific Grove Library Summit. If you prefer to read a paper copy, the Library has one in the Reference Area.

The Report is a testament to the enthusiam and creativity of the Pacific Grove community. We look forward to sharing more about it, as ideas take shape.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Lisa Maddalena - Employee of the Year!

Lisa Maddalena
was celebrated as Employee of the Year last night,
at a festive reception hosted by Passionfish Restaurant.

Moe Ammar and the Chamber of Commerce hosted the event, which was attended by the Mayor, members of the City Council, City Staff, and numerous Library patrons - including many who identified themselves as a "Story time Mom" or "Story time Dad. "

For 27 years, Lisa has championed reading, story times, creativity and fun for young people. Two generations of Pacific Grove children have benefited from, and been delighted by, her programs and outreach to schools.

More recently she has added Senior Librarian to her title. Amidst incredibly challenging times, she has accepted responsibility for keeping the Library open.

Through easy and difficult times, Lisa remains helpful, kind, resourceful and always ready to greet you a smile. Please stop by to say hello and congratulate Lisa. She's Employee of the Year all year long!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March Madness Book Sale!

Book prices at our book sale are always a bargain.
But this Saturday you'll get even more for your dollar.
It's our March Madness Inventory Clearance!

Hardcover Books: 2 for $4
& get the third book free!
Mass Market Paperback Books: four for $1!

Come early to select your stack of books.

Saturday, March 6th Noon - 3 pm