Every day flies by with hundreds of people walking through our door, up to 1000 items being checked out, and all the public access computers in constant use. There is rarely a free moment to post to our blog.
Before January is only a memory, we want to share a few significant happenings at the Library.
- The Fund Our Library Campaign has raised almost $30,000 since December 15th! We have an ambitious goal of $250,000. So if you know of anyone with deep pockets and a generous heart, please let us know.... We are also interested in any businesses or charitable organizations that would be interested in making a matching grant. To all of our donors: Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
- The Friends of the Library's annual meeting, featuring Sharon Randall, was a tremendous success. If you missed the special opportunity to attend her talk, you can read "the short version" in the column she wrote after the event.
- And don't miss this month's wonderful exhibit of Matroishka dolls. Lisa Bennett's collection includes traditional peasant girls, as well as nesting dolls of the Russian Tsars and other Soviet leaders. Her collection also features one of the smallest Matroishka dolls ever seen!